Meralle Halablyan

Hi, I am junior frontend Developer

Who Am I

In 2016 I moved to Germany from Aleppo, Syria. I currently reside in Potsdam. I studied Music Art, I completed my one year Web Development course. The course focuses on programming languages such as: HTML, CSS, Javascript with strong points on frameworks as React.js, Node.Js.

A large part of the course experience is working on and developing projects, as a part of a team, using Github for project management and solving problems together, I always like challenge. I'm very passionate about my new step, Being an artist and developer I want to find ways to combine creativity with technology and always give my best.


{live exercises}

Countries Table with google-API

React live exercise using API




Coding Challenges
{Node.js React.js Jvascript}

Github-Founder {profiles - repos}

{Hackathon Project}


A short description of my previous education and employment background

September 2017 - September 2018

Web development course in DCI

September 2003 - June 2007

Bachelor's degree in Musical Art

October 2018 - November 2018

WebXells {Intern}

November 2018 - January 2019

InfinIT {Intern}

Let's Talk

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